Keeping a child benefit entitlement

Claiming child benefit is, after the initial claim, an incredibly straightforward process (subject to the issues raised above regarding higher earners).

However after sixteen years of automatic claiming it is easy to forget to update HMRC on whether you will continue to be entitled for a further two years. This situation arises when the relevant child completes their GCSEs and decides whether to continue in relevant full time education.

Anyone who claims child benefit can use HMRC’s app to see details of their claims and also advise HMRC that, because of their child’s continuing education, the family will continue to be entitled to claim for an additional period.

Taxpayers with children aged 18 or over who are staying in approved education or training can still advise HMRC online with changes applied automatically.

Individuals can also update their bank and address details using the HMRC app. Child benefit recipients will see payments stop automatically from the September following their child’s 16th birthday if the information is not updated.